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Farm calls are intended for people wanting some great shots of their horses, for advertising purposes or just to get some nice professional photos done of your horses. Since every farm has different needs, the price for a farm call can vary greatly. Farm calls start at a minimum of $125 session fee. Pricing can vary depending on your needs as each farm may have a wide variety of needs. Farm call photos will go online with no editing done to the photos. There may be charges for further editing to photos you'd like to purchase and edit costs are done on a case by case basis. You can purchase just what you need from your session or I can also create ads from your farm call photos. Farm call individual print pricing is based on the current horse show prices. Those prices can be found by clicking on any recent horse show event.
Please call 517-448-0164 to schedule your date & discuss your needs.
Eye Of The Horse Photography LLC retains all rights and ownership to all photos. All photos are copyrighted and it is illegal to copy, screenshot, or use any photo without written permission.